Training Plan

As part of our Traning management system

Scheduling and running large amounts of courses require a lot of organisation and coordination between all the teams in your business. You need to ensure that training is running when it is supposed to be. As part of the training management system, Stendard Solution™ wants to introduce ‘Training Plan’, a sub-module under the Profile module. What features will it come with?

Perform quality analysis with customisable tables

Create your training plan to group your training courses. By setting up these plan, you can set multiple items to be trained by several team members at once. You can set the plan based on your company’s department and designations. Even each person can have their plan if needed. As part of training management – the training plan currently can be used for Document training management, e.g. train your member with your company SOP by acknowledging that SOP. 

New company members automatically get a task to train

Got a new member on board your company? Have you already set specific plans to train the new member? With our feature, you’ll not need to assign a task manually to that member to read & acknowledge the training documents. After the new member is added to your company solution account, the system automatically assigns the acknowledgement task to that member.

Get a report on how the training is progressing

After the training starts, it’s time to track the progress & make sure all of your members have already completed the acknowledgement task. You can easily filter out the data based on the plan, department or designations. You can also view details of the whole training process of each company’s member. At last, export your data into PDF & CSV. 

Have you got a new up-versioned document to be trained for your team members? No worries! Our system automatically sends out the task for your member to acknowledge the latest updated documents.

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