Change Log

Changelog will list all the updates and patches we have made to every software update to ensure that you know the new features or updates introduced to the system.

Additionally, in this module, you will find several supporting documentation that helps you stay secure and compliant with relevant regulations. These documentations are:

Update Notice

This document contains detailed information on the changes that will help you better understand how to utilise them when using Stendard Solution™.


Operational Qualification (OQ) Report

This document contains detailed information of the testing performed on the functions & features within Stendard SolutionTM.

Validation Report & System Release Notes

This document contains a summary of the validation activities carried out for Stendard Solution™, which you can use to stay compliant with relevant regulations.

You can also preview and download these reports for reading in your own time whenever needed.

Information on previous versions of software

Information on previous versions of Stendard Solution™ will always be available for you to download and view. This is to ensure transparency and provide you with the best information possible.

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