Artificial Intelligence

Document Recommendation

An intensive and overwhelming number of uploaded documents that need approval and version controlling will always be the challenge of using an EQMS platform. The conventional method allows mass routing of documents through the version controlling and signing process. The mass routing process requires you to group and classify the document respectively — for example, Quality Manual, Procedures (SOPs), Records, Form Templates, etc.

Classify your document type faster!

Our AI engine for Document Classification will help you significantly speed up this entire process and allow less room for human error when handling these vast amounts of documents. This function helps your team member determine your company’s document types every time someone uploads new batches of documents into the Library.

Help our AI ace at its job!

Once the recommendation process is completed, your review and response to the result will help our AI engine gets more brilliant by the days! Validating the list of classification results will help the engine correct itself or be more confident in its current classification method.

This is just the beginning.

We strongly believe that our work here in Stendard has a long way to go with these new advances. With this first AI feature, we will continually strive to introduce more data-driven initiatives to make our loyal customers like yourself comply easier and faster. 


At Stendard, we put quality at the centre of your business and make it easier.

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